Kasimasi ~Girl Meets Girl~ 2 First Pressing

Created/Updated 2006-06-11

Animephile Rating: C (7.5)


To me, Kasimasi is a nostalgia anime. It has an old-fashioned story and old-fashioned character designs. Maybe "old-fashioned" isn't the right word. The design is basically simple, with only a few layers of color for each character. I really like that. I suppose I might not like it if too many shows were like this, but they aren't, so there's no point thinking about that.

I think the main focus of this volume is Tomari-chan. This and that side events cause her real feelings to surface. It's a good volume for me because I'm a Tomari-chan fan ;^)

Images (move cursor over each image to see short comment):

Ahahaha. It made me laugh when I saw them come out of the store all matched up like that.

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