Kanon Vol.7, Limited Edition

Created/Updated 2007-07-08

Animephile Rating: A+ (10.0)


Every time I watch one of those "How anime is made at KyoAni" features, I feel like it's just wrong to have people making a living by drawing / coloring / timing for animation production. I can maybe imagine doing one production, taking a couple of months off (sabbatical?), then coming back and doing another one, but doing it constantly just feels inhumane.

This volume ends with a crash. Let's just leave it at that.

Images (move cursor over each image to see short comment):

Yeah, Eizo everywhere, but it's an old model (L557). Even my old Eizo is L565. There's nothing wrong with using something for a long time, but I'd think it's worth it for the company to invest in higher resolution models.

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