Kanon Vol.3, Limited Edition

Created/Updated 2007-04-04

Animephile Rating: A+ (10.0)


At this point, I feel stupid I ever wrote anything bad about KyoAni. I can't believe I actually wrote that I won't ever like their animation. I also wrote that "You'll never hear about Kanon from me again," but that one doesn't count since I was talking about the original series, not the new one by KyoAni. Oh no, I just wrote about it!

In the end, it's just too dangerous to use a word like "never." Look at how terrible ARIA's animation came out, even though it was produced by the same company that created Princess Tutu (HAL Film Maker). I'm thinking it has more to do with who's in charge and who's animating more than the animation company.

Anyway, this volume is all about Makoto. Wow. That was unexpected. Out of the blue, comes a tragic fairy tale. I'm not sure why, but some aspect of it reminded of Princess Tutu. I think I'll have a half glass of wine before watching the next episode (10 on volume 4). You know, wine turns to tear better than plain water.

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