Kanon Vol.2, Limited Edition

Created/Updated 2007-03-04

Animephile Rating: A+ (10.0)


Gosh, don't other animation studios feel ashamed these days? KyoAni is eating them alive! It's not as contrasty as the AIR animation (not complaining either way), so it's somewhat hard to compare the two, but overall, I believe it's gotten even better. Character expressions are just so artistically done.

Believe or not, Makoto has become my favorite character. Her oddness makes sense to me. I can feel her extreme innocence in everything she does.

Excuse all the reflections from flashes on the item photos. I haven't had a chance to devise up a softbox set up yet.

Images (move cursor over each image to see short comment):

Bookmark, jacket, DVD case, and card. (EF 100mm f/2.8 USM Macro @f/11, focus on Kaori's eyes on the DVD jacket)

Love how everything physically reacts to movement. Incredible animation by KyoAni.

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