Kanon Vol.1, Limited Edition

Created/Updated 2007-01-20

Animephile Rating: A+ (10.0)


Did Pony Canyon finally wake up, or did someone from KyoAni force them to wake up? Compression is good, chroma channel timing is good, and it's completely progressive. There appears to be some edge (un)enhancement, but it might just be some natural contrast enhancement that happens during compression. Either way, it's very minor.

And I've basically come to expect high quality animation from KyoAni and they don't disappoint here.

The only problem I'm having with the series is that the characters are all so weird. It's like they're all missing a screw or two, except maybe Kaori. I don't mind peculiar characters, but the ones in Kanon are more... stupid than peculiar. If their strangeness is caused by trauma, like characters in AIR, I can understand, but so far, I'm not seeing that.

Anyway, packaging is good, as in not-so-proprietary, and the price is okay. They're doing another one of those "send in proof of purchase to get special item" promotion, but Pony Canyon's track record is terrible with that. Maybe they fixed that problem, too, like how they fixed their audio/video technical problems. It's way past due, though. I mean, how many years have we had DVDs?

Images (move cursor over each image to see short comment):

DVD case, jacket, card, and a bookmark. (EF 50mm f/1.4 @f/8.0, focus on the card. Was too lazy to swap to 100mm macro lens)

Even indoors, colors are a bit subdued, especially compared to AIR. No technical issues, though, other than slight edge (un)enhancement.

Very good compression considering the amount of movements. Extra high quality jpeg.

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