Junk Force Vol.1

Created/Updated 2003-07-13

Animephile Rating: B

What a sweet cast! We have Asakawa Yuu (Wooty), Shimizu Ai (Mill), Hoshi Souichirou (Louis), Mochizuki Hisayo (Mamet), and of course, Mizuki Nana (Liza). Granted, I don't really know Mochizuki-san very well, but she seems like a good match for Mamet.

Story moves along at just about right pace, leaning towards fast side, which is good since there's quite a bit to introduce. The rest is explained in the omake tracks in a very entertaining fashion.

Despite what looks like a serious premise of hopelessly messed up earth and two opposing factions, one opting to revive it while staying on it, and the other opting to get the heck out, our new generation of heroines and a hero (you know how the ratio goes) tend to go for the fun factor. Oh, and they managed to throw in some robots/androids, too, including a really cute one.

There's even political stuff in there, but I'd actually like it if it's kept at a minimum. After all, when you put it all together, this is just another futuristic anime meant to be entertaining above all else. It might even be considered a guilty pleasure.

Anyway, there's a good chance that this will get animated at some point. I'm all for it as long as they don't change the cast too much.

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