Infinite Ryvius Vol.1

Created/Updated 2001-03-02

Animephile Rating: B (8.0)


This series, directed by Taniguchi Goro, is the result of many new generation directors and producers. And it actually shows. There are things I feel aren't expressed as well as it could be. For example, the fight scenes between Yuuki, Kouji, and Ikumi don't look very natural. It's pretty obvious to me that a lot of work was put into animation, but I feel that they may have spent too much effort on things that aren't as important or as noticeable. For example, backgrounds are fabulous everywhere, but some of the character interactions do not look natural. If you were to compare this work to something done by Hideaki-san or Daichi-san, you would see what I'm talking about, I think. On the other hand, it feels fresh. I feel the fresh imaginations of the new people. I wish they'd hired more voice talents instead of using the same people for so many roles. The most objectionable ones, to me anyway, are (Pat Campbell/Karabona Ginii == Minami Omi) and (Aiba Yuuki/?????? == Hoshi Souichirou). I also found (Karen Luchiora/Yuiri Bahana == Hikami Kyouko) very distracting even though/because I love her voice. On the other hand, I was impressed with Aikawa Rikako for playing Nicks Shaiprapat and Faina S. Shinozaki so distinctively. Thank goodness Tange-san only played one major role. She has very distinctive voice that would only work with certain roles and of course, when she gets the right role, she's fantastic! Kozue is one of those great roles for her.

Many people would compare this anime with "Lord of the Flies" since they both deal with stranded kids, however, Ryvius has quite a bit more complex story. In "Lord of the Flies," there is no outside involvement at all, but "Mugen no Ryvius" has a lot of side events that happen outside of Ryvius. Not only must these kids deal with themselves, but they must deal with corrupt politicians (yuck!) and military personnel. Of course, we can't forget the fact that Ryvius is a lot more high-tech than that little island.

I don't see why this series is keeping such a low-profile in this country. It's WAY better than Love Hina, Hand Maid May, and many others. Are we all getting too stupid to appreciate serious anime over in America? I hope not.

DVD 1-3 are progressive, but 4-9 are interlaced. Odd. Very odd. Just so you know, animation quality dips for a couple of episodes on DVD6. Considering the length of the series, that's not anything to complain about, though.

Image 1 is just something nice to look at.
Image 2 is of the strange girl with dinosaur costume. You need to watch every single character very carefully through the whole series.


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