Now and Then, Here and There Vol.1

Created/Updated 2001-01-28

Animephile Rating: D (6.0)


"Ima Sokoni Iru Boku" is, by far, the most influential anime I've ever watched. What I mean by that, is that I _actually_ think of "La-la Ru" whenever I see water. I consciously conserve water because of an anime! It is not necessarily the most memorable anime I've watched, because it's too intense for repeat viewing. It's kind of hard to explain. Whenever I want to watch something, I look at my collection and when I see this series, I want to reach for it, but I can't! All the images in my head somehow keeps me from reaching for it. Once I manage to start playing it, I can watch it just fine, though. In fact, I can't stop watching it.
This is traditionally animated anime (with cells) as far as I can tell. Background cells are drawn with pastel feel. They're wonderfully realistic. Pastel feel helps to enhance various emotional scenes. Some might argue that the character design is too simple. I thought the same thing at first, but if you look at the DVD cover-arts, you'll notice that they're drawn extremely realistically. Looking at those, I feel that, if the whole anime was drawn to be that realistic, I'd actually have a harder time coping with the anime.
This anime _is_ extremely artistic both with the animation as well as with the story telling. You'll find symbolisms and foreshadowing almost from the start! Story moves at just about perfect pace. Everything flows nicely without being excessively obvious.
Enough babbling.
The image below shows one of the many beautiful scenes from the series. Look at the right side for the vertical bar. This bar is always of the same color as whatever is on the bottom right corner, so it can become very annoying. Please excuse the jpeg artifacts.
Basically, if you're into serious anime, this is as serious as it gets! Don't let the first episode fool you.
Heads up for you readers. There _is_ a screenshot on the DVD2 review. I usually don't put any screenshots on any review except for the first DVD of a series, but DVD2 has the most beautiful (to me anyway) scene I've ever seen on an anime.


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