Hidamari Radio x 365 Tokubetsu-hen ~Yes! Asumis!!~

Created/Updated 2008-07-05

Subjective Content Rating: Bustling with (fun) activities.
Audio Quality Rating: |*|*|*|*| |

Ume-sensei makes for an awesome personality. She should have her own radio. Hey, that's a neat idea.

The content is similar to the original radio CD (non-365), at least the radio portion. So if you liked that CD, you'll like this one, too. I suppose it's little girly, which of course, is a good thing. What else did you expect?

Like the original radio CD (non-365), this one also has a 4-coma manga with empty dialogues (in the obi), filled in by each of the participants (five plus the original). They're embedded in the booklet this time, so it's not as "nice" as the individual inserts of the original radio CD (non-365), but it's still nice. By the way, Gotou Yuuko's handwriting is really nice. It's logically artistic (brings out each character's feature, making them easy to read).

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