Hidamari Sketchbook

Created/Updated 2007-05-06

Contains 25 full-page illustrations with mirroring rough sketches for each (taking up 50 full pages), 20 half-page calendar illustrations, fairly long Aoki Ume interview article, and 40 coma full color comic.

I read the entire interview. It was shocking to learn that Hiro was originally meant to be a male character, a gay one no less. And Aoki-sensei apparently has a tendency to judge things by their external shape. For example, she doesn't consider Tokyo Tower safe. I guess most people don't see the world with an engineering view.

Illustrations are wonderful (with short comments by Aoki-sensei on each), and everything is high-quality full color (except the text interview, duh). I love the photo on page 71. I swear I wouldn't even have noticed it if I didn't pick up photography hobby. I still suck at it, but at least I notice things more.

Images (move cursor over each image to see short comment):

Cover has the picture cut off, but there's a complete version inside the book.

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