Created/Updated 2011-02-05

Subjective Content Rating: Neat and mostly convincing, but not quite there.
Audio Quality Rating: |*|*|*|*|*|

No track titles, so I filled them in.

I've been waiting a long time for this! In fact, I've been waiting too long because my expectation grew way too big during that time.

I think the staff did an excellent job with it, despite the book not lending itself too well to audio only drama. And I like many of the casting, like Kanai Mika as Tamamin and Kobayashi Yuu as Sugi-san. Considering I'm not all that fond of Kobayashi Yuu, that's saying something positive about casting right there.

As for the two main characters, I'm not so sure. Sasaki Mikoi is 19 years old, so she is very close to the real age of the character she plays. Maybe it's too real or something. I think I was expecting something less real, and more... surreal. You know, like extra cute. But I think I just need to get used to it. Actually, I'm pretty sure that's all it is.

And Endou Aya as Akko is... occasionally too... Endou Aya. I might be suffering from being a seiyuu otaku. Knowing the seiyuu too well gets in the way of enjoying the acting. On the other hand, she does actually sound unnatural at times, like reading a script. She breaths at unnatural places. Yeah, I'm pretty picky with audio dramas these days. All I buy these days are radio CD and drama CD, so it's inevitable. I wonder if someone like Enomoto Atsuko would have fit this role better....

As for other minor characters, they don't get much stage time, so I can't say much. I hope they release more volumes. After all, there are 35 chapters in the five volumes of comic books, yet this only covers the first 10 chapters. I can use at least two more CDs. Maybe even an anime, although I might regret asking for that one.

I'm disappointed that the CD doesn't contain any bonus tracks, like a cast talk session. I'd have loved to hear what Kitta Izumi thought about the work. She said she wanted to be in a YURI production in one of the radios she did. Heck, she was so enthusiastic about a YURI manga titled, "Octave," I bought the whole thing sight unseen. (I'll list those later.) Too bad her role in this drama has nothing to do with YURI.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to more drama volumes.

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Why strawberry background? Even the flower is strawberry flower, instead of lily.

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