Gensou Shugi (Fantasism)

Created/Updated 2007-06-10

I didn't know anything about Inui-sensei before, but since he came to Fanime this year, I learned a little bit about him and picked up this book.

It's about a girl who loves fantasies (western type/RPG) and a guy who hates people who reject reality in favor of fantasy. Although I don't play games of any kind, the theme is still relevant to me. I consider myself to be a type to fantasize (daydream?) a lot about random things. Well, at least, I used to do it a lot when I was younger. I never thought about it as anything that needed justification. It was just fun doing it. I don't think I was trying to run away from reality or anything like that.

This one-volume short manga basically tries to dig a little bit deeper into the relationship between fantasy and reality. In the end, I think the message is pretty simple. As long as you're aware of where you stand in reality, feel free to enjoy fantasy.

Art work is good to extremely nice at important scenes. I'm going to track his future works and make purchasing decisions on them individually. I'll most likely go for the ones with deeper meaning, possibly with small amount of funny stuff sprinkled around it, but not ones that are mainly focusing on jokes.

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