Galaxy Angel 3

Created/Updated 2005-03-17

Animephile Rating: C (7.0)


What the! Third disc has subsurface picture label. First of all, I thought that was Pioneer Japan's specialty. And second, why only this disc? I thought I got first pressing for all but volume 2, but none of the other discs have subsurface label. There are little trading cards in all but volume 2, but maybe that's not the first pressing item. I see this volume has a postcard, too. Ah well. Joys of buying pre-owned, I guess. Subsurface picture labels are just so cool, though.

Image1: That's Millefeuille flower, but who's the chicken?
Image2: The "regular" bad guys make their first appearances.
Image3: I see where the title of my favorite GA song comes from. Too bad it's misspelled. Maybe that's intentional, since otherwise, it would be too easy of a password.
Image4: Fast moving scene. You can see compression artifacts.
Image5: There's just so much wrong with this one. I mean, just look at that plant!
Image6: And once again, more Shintani Ryouko!


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