Gakuen Senki Muryou DVD-BOX Disc 4 of 7

Created/Updated 2004-10-10

Animephile Rating: C (7.5)


Continuing with the screen shot narration....

Image1: Just look at the seemless blending of the tiny character drawings!
Image2: It's hard to tell in this image, but the guy getting thrown is Moriguchi Kyouichi and the girl throwing her is Mineo Harumi, voiced by Asano Masumi. This is somewhat unusual role for Masumin, but certainly not a bad role. In fact, casting for this show is excellent. There are quite a bit of seiyuu-sharing (seiyuu playing multiple roles -- I made up that term) in this show. It kind of reminds of Ryvius, but in this case, the different characters voiced by one seiyuu do not interact much and they're all very different, so it's easy to get used to.
Image3: Wenule (I don't know how to spell his name. It's not an Earthling name anyway) and Nayuta. This kind of scene could be considered very unusual, but then maybe not. It's all so complicated yet simple, and unusual yet ordinary.
Image4: Another ordinary scene.
Image5: Futaba-chan HAPPY! Did you miss seeing her screen shots?
Image6: Futaba-chan and her father.
Image7: Harumi and Setsuna on the rooftop of school. Excellent animation!
Image8: Futaba-chan and Muryou... and that other guy. Hey, Futaba-chan's basically ignoring him, so I get to do the same. Come to think of it, this kind of situation is very common. In fact, some of my earlier screen shots are also like this.


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