Futatsu no Spica 4

Created/Updated 2004-03-28

Little bit of external politics is shown through protestors who are apparently against the whole space program. Their main argument is the past accident with Shishigo rocket. I think it's a stupid argument. Why not protest against cars, knives, or even swimming pools? Heck, people should really be protesting against "controlled burns." They can't ever seem to do that stuff without causing a wildfire. Sheesh!

Great advances in science requires great sacrifices. Of course, the other side of me wants the society to collapse so we can live like wild animals. I'm so unorthodox ^_^

Lion-san bids farewell to his father. It's said that one of the worst things that can happen is for a child to die before his/her parents. I suppose that's true in the human society, but it happens way too often in the animal world for it to be meaningful. How spoiled we are. Here I am, ranting again about unrelated things....


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