Fushigi Mahou Fun Fun Pharmacy DVD 3 (part of DVD-BOX)

Created/Updated 2003-09-14

Animephile Rating: F (5.5)


I said I was starting to see the charm of the series after the first disc, and then I said it doesn't seem to work that well for me after the second disc, and now I'm going to say that it's wonderful.

I don't tend to be wishy-washy about anime reviews, but you have to understand, as much as I'd like to be, I'm not a young girl.

So far, I'm finding the imaginative yet very simplified storylines charming. It never treats the audience like an idiot yet it's simple enough for all to enjoy. What anime treats the audience like an idiot? Well, I can give you quite a few examples, but I don't want to offend anyone, so I won't.

Anyway, the last 30-minute special on this disc, which is based on an idea that some kid came up with for the contest, is pretty amazing. I think that this series was not a masterpiece when it started, but became one as it found its purpose through the audience feedback. I already started on the last disc and I'm enjoying it immensly.

Image1: Gotta have an episode with girls wearing kawaii yukata, no?
Image2: kawaii!
Image3: KAWAII!!!
Image4: That's some impressive magic reacting to each other.
Image5: They're all so cute :^)


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