Fruits Basket Drama CD

Created/Updated 2005-08-06

Animephile Rating: C

Anime ended ages ago, but for some reason I'm not aware of, they released this drama CD. Cover art is amateurish, which might make some people unsure about the content, but the casting is the same as that of the TV series and most of the main characters are featured.

There are two main stories in the CD. First one is about a play Touru's class puts out for the school culture festival. They start out with Cinderella, but ends up with Cinderella-like thing. It's pretty entertaining. If it kept going at this pace, I would have given a 'B' grade for this CD.

I'm not so sure about the second story. Maybe it's because I never read the original manga. In fact, I forgot what it's about already.

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