Figure 17 Tsubasa to Hikaru Vol.10

Created/Updated 2002-07-28

Animephile Rating: B (8.0)


As far as I'm concerned, Takahashi Naohito is the best overall Japanese director. Some people at Gainax may have a slight edge when it comes to the classic meaning of anime, but Takahashi-san is also well aware of the anime art AND his dramatic presentations are far more natural. For example, the fighting scene in Mahoromatic in the last episode was obviously designed to make the viewers feel certain way. In the end, it was more-or-less meaningless. Not only that, Takahashi-san is far ahead of other directors when it comes to keeping up with the technology. He can use the latest technology while keeping the look and feel of the traditional animation. That can't be done without knowing both processes well. Sad to say, but Daichi Akitarou is probably the worst (among the otherwise good directors) when it comes to keeping up with the technology.

I can't wait to see the final 2 discs.

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