Original Soundtrack 1 ~Espressivo~

Created/Updated 2008-04-20

Subjective Content Rating: Good, I guess.
Audio Quality Rating: |*|*|*|*| |

First of all, it's obvious that track titles need some English corrections. On the internet radio (Ef Memo Radio), they explained that the track titles were tagged on only for the soundtrack and that for the actual anime use, they only had cut numbers. I also heard some excuses (heh) for using English. I don't really care if English is used, but I wish they had passed it by a native speaker. Heck, if they sent the list to me, I'd have gone through them for free!

Sound quality is somewhat disappointing. Some BGM tracks feel a bit irritating. I can't believe they compressed some of the BGM stuff. Heck, I can't believe Tenmon let them. On the positive side, vocal tracks aren't any more compressed than some of the bad BGM tracks, except for the last track, which is just plain bad. What a shame. I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle. Not! I can't lose this battle. All I have to do to win is to completely stop buying them all! By the way, it barely got 4 stars, and only because there are some BGM tracks that are very good.

Music is certainly Tenmon. I think I actually like some of the character vocals. Too bad they're not full versions. Also, not so unexpectedly, BGMs I like most are the ones I heard many times on internet radios already, like track 16.

Oh, I almost forgot. Almost every review I've read complains about the fact that they released two soundtracks instead of releasing just one with 2 CDs. I don't think it can get any more obvious that they pissed off a lot of fans by this marketing decision. I hope they don't do it again because if they do, I won't buy them. Then again, given the disappointing mastering job done on these CDs, it won't make any difference. I just won't buy them again.

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