Drama CD Vol. 4, Mizuki no Jidaigeki Dayo!

Created/Updated 2007-05-20

Animephile Rating: Somewhat hard to follow, but predictably funny, and still niche.

For someone like me, who never played the game and only know the characters from the previous drama CDs, it's a bit hard to follow because the characters are thrown into a sudden historical play. There're also a couple of new characters as well.

Once it gets going, though, it's pretty funny, if a bit predictable. For example, it was pretty much obvious who the bodyguard on track 6 was going to be. I even said the name out loud while I was listening to this. Even then, when she came out, I laughed.

If anything, the bonus track (10) felt out of place and unnatural. Cast talk is neat, though.

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