Den'nou Coil 9

Created/Updated 2009-11-15

I don't consider myself short on attention span. I mean, I still have this site, no? Sure, I don't update it much these days, but that's because I don't buy a lot stuff these days. How many people do *you* know who kept a personal site like this for 9+ years?

This book is dragging. Look. Iijima Satoko made such a huge impact in the previous volume, but she is barely even mentioned in this volume. It's looking like she really wasn't important at all. So what was all that side trip for?

If this doesn't finish up in a couple of volumes, I might just drop it. Based on the preview, volume 10 isn't going to be the last one, so 11 better be the last.

Having said all that, I probably do get tire of things more quickly than before. The older I get, the more mediocrity I see in the world. They make fun of old people for being, well, grumpy, but maybe there's a good reason for that.

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