Den'nou Coil 7

Created/Updated 2008-12-23

The biggest problem with this novel series is that the characters are too smart, or that they're elementary school kids. I just cannot believe 6th graders can be so, well, complex. I know I'm a late bloomer, and too old to remember what I was thinking when I was a 6th grader, but this just doesn't seem natural.

This volume is about the three from Kan'non Elementary School, who hold grudges against both Isako and Yasako. Actually, it's not about them since they're just plot devices. They do try to use Isako's followers to get back at her. Followers? Well, let's just say that religions with any kind of a central figure get created without that central figure even realizing it (or existing for that matter). It's actually kind of interesting to think about how such a "supreme being" would feel about its followers by looking at how Isako feels about them. She doesn't care! In fact, they're just annoyances to her. This of course, is meaningless if the "supreme being" doesn't even exist. What am I saying? That Isako isn't real? On the contrary, she may have been involved in the "megane" stuff longer than we think.

The real kick is at the end, though. Watch out for the new character named, Iijima Satoko. Now, there's an interesting non-6th-grader-like character.

Next volume is scheduled for spring 2009 release.

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