Den'nou Coil 5

Created/Updated 2008-05-17

I am impressed! At first, I thought this was just an interesting twist on geeky toys. It's turning out to be a lot more serious. On one side, we have technology and progress, and on the other side, we have tradition and religion. It's about clashes of the two sides, which can be as simple as a generation gap, and as complex as, well, I don't know yet.

In a strange way, it reminded me of "Neko no Chikyuugi." The connection is mostly just symbolic, so you can ignore this paragraph.

Going back to the main topic, even though I mentioned generation gap, it's actually not the main topic because even people of the same generation take different views on technology and its effects. For example, the original four "megane" users, Harakawa Tamako, Nekome Sousuke, Nobuhiko, and Yoshifumi all took, or possibly were forced to take, different paths, many of which are not yet clarified.

Next volume is to be released in July. Can't wait!

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