Den'nou Coil 3

Created/Updated 2008-01-07

I'm picking up two slightly different versions of the story almost in sync because the anime version I'm watching at a local club is lining up closely with the novel version of the story. Despite their differences, I find it helpful because they emphasize different aspects of the story, allowing me to pick up things I would've otherwise missed from just one of the formats.

Things are really starting to make sense, with HaraKen and Kan'na's past and the origin of at least one type of "Illegal" revealed. I imagine the climax of the story will be during the festival, with, or rather during, the battle between "Heiku-" and "Coil Den'nou Tantei-kyoku."

Come to think of it, who named the "Coil Den'nou Tantei-kyoku?" Was it Megabaa? Or was it her late husband? And how is it all related to "Den'nou Coil?" What *is* "Den'nou Coil?"

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