D.C. ~Da Capo~ Secret Live in Kawasaki Club Citta'

Created/Updated 2006-08-26

Animephile Rating: A (9.5)


I bought this after AX2006 along with many other Da Capo related media. One of the reasons for buying this was so that I could watch the live without getting frustrated, like I was during the yozuca* & rino concert at Anime Expo. People were just sitting in their seats. Most didn't even have a lightstick. Well, AX organizers didn't help, either. They were selling lightsticks. At Fanime, everyone was given one as they entered the auditorium, at least two years ago. Of course, I had my own. Mmm, I wasn't going to bash AX because I don't want people to know how lousy it is, so that they keep crowding there instead of polluting better conventions, but now that I started saying something, I'll just say this. That was the suckiest BEEP BEEP BEEP I've ever attended.

Most people here (America) are what I call "generic fans." I bet most of them never even heard of yozuca* and rino. Actually, that doesn't really matter. What bothers me is that most of these so-called "fans" have no desire whatsoever to learn Japanese culture. Their level of anime understanding (and therefore enjoyment) is only skin deep. Ignorance is bliss, I guess, except that too much of such behavior causes bad things to happen to the root of the anime culture. American corporations with financial gain as the only goal start pouring money into Japan, diluting the talent pool and disturbing the pureness of the anime culture. It's like capturing wildlife and making a city zoo. Why can't they just watch and maybe take photos without disturbing.

Anyway, now that I've gotten my weekend rant out of the way, let's get back to the DVD. It's reasonably entertaining, especially for seiyuu otaku. It features a lot of popular seiyuus, and also features yozuca* and rino. As a bonus, it also features PV for each character seiyuu. Note that these PV are the same ones featured on the DVD-BOX I.

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