The Animated Movie, Card Captor Sakura (Region 1)

Created/Updated 2002-05-23

Animephile Rating: F (4.0)


***I do not own this. I borrowed it just so I can do comparison***

Technically, other than the fact that it's all interlaced, there isn't much to say. The only minor point is that R1 actually looks slightly sharper and yet lacks the reflection of R2. R2 reflection doesn't seem to be due to edge enhancement, so I don't know what it is. No matter what, they're both just fine. Except of course, R1 is _interlaced_. Did I mention R1 isn't progressive? I'm sure I did.

Non-technically, I watched little bit of it with English track despite the pain receptor warning lights flashing everywhere in my brain. It just made me repeat, "What the HELL is she talking about!?"

Comparison image is kind of useless. They are almost identical in quality and the tiny (really tiny) compression advantage R2 has is lost in JPEG compression I used. It's just not worth the disk space for me to use PNG file for this.


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