Binbou Shimai Monogatari 2 Limited Edition

Created/Updated 2006-11-04

Animephile Rating: C (7.5)


Considering the cost (Y5,800 pre-tax for 2 episodes), I'm not impressed with the animation quality. And as a children's show, it's kind of boring. Maybe it's not fair to compare this to Yoshinaga-san chi no Gargoyle since this is supposed to have a simpler story, but what's boring is boring.

Casting is good, and playwright does a good job of merging multiple scenes from the original manga into fewer scenes, but to me, animation quality is always #1. Takamura Kazuhiro did a good job with the design, but for obvious reasons, he can't be animating the whole thing, so even though I want to support his work, I can't justify buying any more of this.

Images (move cursor over each image to see short comment):

Come to think of it, it's been a while since I heard Kozakura-san's voice in anime.

I vaguely remember having parent participation day in Korea, but for some reason, I don't remember any details. I don't think there's anything like that in this country. At least, I haven't experienced it.

I assume these are Takamura-san's works. They're the best part of the DVD, but I can't justify buying these for 4 drawings.

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