Angel Beats! SSS Radio Vol.1

Created/Updated 2011-12-17

Subjective Content Rating: N/R
Audio Quality Rating: |*|*|*|*|*|

I caught most of the broadcasts from Hibiki Radio Station, but not all, and since I liked it enough, I was thinking about buying them for a while. Somehow, though, I missed the timing. Recently, I got to watch the anime, and I don't believe in free rides, so I bought these.

Audio CD contains two newly recorded sessions, one with Yuri, and another with Tenshi. Although Tenshi's real name was known by the time the CD was released, they stick to "Tenshi" until Vol.3. Funny since they say her real name right in the special recording #2.

One unfortunate thing I found is that the insert says, "holoscope." What the heck is a "holocope!?" They have a native English speaker in the cast. At least check what's going to be printed! And this goes on for the entire 7 volume set, too.

CD-ROM contains sessions #0 (pre) to #4 worth of 128kbps MP3 files, totaling to more than 170 minutes. Session 0 had all three members, Sakurai Harumi (Yuri), Hanazawa Kana (Tenshi), and Kitamura Eri (Yui), but after that, Tenshi and Yui swap every two sessions. That's because they generally record two sessions at a time. Yuri is the main, so she's always there.

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