ARIA the Natural, Drama CD I, Limited Edition

Created/Updated 2006-06-23

Animephile Rating: C

First track is about Akatsuki having saved enough money to actually be a paying guest of Alicia, but all kinds of extras tag along. Second track is about Al's cousin riding with Akira. Again all kinds of extras tag along. Third track is about trying to "upgrade" Atena's image. It's one of Alice's sudden "projects." Fourth track is a joke track. But then, all the other tracks are all jokes, too, just weak ones.

And that is the problem. It's mostly just weak jokes. If anything, the true joke track (4) is the best one because it's not pretending to be anything else. It still managed to avoid 'D' grade because it's not annoying in any way. I guess that kind of goes with the series.

As noted, the last track is only available on the first pressing. It seems like a bad marketing idea. It would discriminate against late buyers and also cost the company extra as two different glass masters are required. Oh well, I'm no marketing guy. Regardless, to people like me, seiyuu theme talk tracks are pretty important. This one is no exception.

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