AIR Vol.2, Limited Edition

Created/Updated 2005-05-07

Animephile Rating: F (5.5)


Back in the days of VHS fansubs, fans had to work hard at it to obtain anime. They had to form relationships, and many actually worked on various stages of fansubbing. The few who had the money were willing to let people use their LD as master for the fansub because they were aware that the people in the circle understood and appreciated the art of animation.

Nowadays, just about any riffraff can get anime. The ratio of real "otaku" to the rest, who still call themselves "otaku" without any clue as to what it is they're into, has decreased drastically. When these dilutors watch anime like AIR, they'd have no clue as to why it is such a special series. Real "otaku" would know, and it doesn't even matter if s/he likes the series. The effort can be seen regardless of the story.

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