Environmentally friendlier Cyalume(TM) substitute, Part 2.

I've completed the prototype model #0 of the SDUO (Super-Duper-Ultra-Orange) stick. I didn't actually mean it to be a prototype, but I'm not completely happy with the result, so I'm calling it a prototype. Note that I'm more than happy with its brightness and immediate usability. The problem is that it's not easily serviceable, as it's completely epoxy'ed together, making it impractical to replace the battery. Sure, the battery is rechargeable (yes, it has a charge port), but it still won't last forever.

So, how bright is it? Probably enough to knock your socks off ^_^ and this baby will stay that bright for over 45 minutes, not to mention it can be turned on and off with a flick of a switch.

A few notes before moving on to the pictures.