I recently listed DVD information for "Makasete Iruka (R2)" and "Grrl Power (R1)." I realized that this is a great opportunity to show you all why I'm so proud about being a seiyuu-otaku. Nazuka Kaori (as I do always, family name first) plays Ao, who is deaf. Any logical person can figure out why people who are born deaf have trouble speaking as well, although there is no physical reason they can't speak well. In fact, they don't really have trouble speaking. They just have trouble _learning_ to speak. Anyway, Nazuka-san has to play Ao, and for obvious reasons, she doesn't understand, first hand, how she should go about it. So what does she do? She visits "shugei kyoushitsu" (lit. handicraft class -- basically a sign language class) and interacts with actual speech impaired people. Compare that to the English voice actress. You can actually get a feel of how American VAs go about voice acting, by watching the casual interview session in the R1 DVD. Ironically, Nazuka-san's speech is also in the R1 DVD because it's part of the TAF event video, which is not in the R2 DVD. (Japanese) seiyuu-san tachi BANZAI! --rich